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OZCAM (Online Zoo-log-i-cal Col-lec-tions of Aus-tralian Muse-ums) pro-vides access to an online data-base of records aggre-gated from fau-nal col-lec-tions data-bases in Aus-tralian museums.

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1,428 results for text:"Oweniidae"    (Note: no matched taxon name found for Oweniidae)
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FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 2002-04-23 State: Tasmania

Institution: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Collection: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Invertebrate Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: invertebrates:K3277 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 2021-11-27 State: South Australia

Institution: South Australian Museum Collection: South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Marine Invertebrates:E9210 View record

SpeciesOwenia mirrawa Date: 2016-10-07 State: Western Australia

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026439 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 2009-08-20 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W031842 View record

GenusOwenia Year: 2015 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W030597 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Year: 2015 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026063 View record

GenusOwenia Date: 2009-09-20 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W027794 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Year: 2015 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026066 View record

GenusMyriochele Date: 2010-08-05 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026945 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 2018-05-02 State: Western Australia

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W029635 View record

GenusOwenia Date: 2010-08-05 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026802 View record

GenusOwenia Date: 2012-05-24 State: Western Australia

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W027793 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 2010-08-20 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W027109 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Year: 2015 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026069 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Year: 2015 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026062 View record

SpeciesOwenia mirrawa Year: 2015 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026275 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 1993-07-15 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W030260 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 2009-02-26 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W032120 View record

FamilyOWENIIDAE |  Sand Worm (in Reference To Their Sand Encrusted Tubes) Date: 2018-12-12 State: Northern Territory

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W029815 View record

SpeciesOwenia mirrawa Date: 2016-10-08 State: Western Australia

Institution: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Collection: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Annelid Collection Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Polychaete:W026432 View record

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