Occurrence record: Ornithology:O.80458.001
Data partner | OZCAM (Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums) Provider |
Data resource | Australian Museum provider for OZCAM |
Institution code |
Australian Museum
Supplied institution code "AM" |
Collection |
Australian Museum Ornithology Collection
Supplied collection code "Ornithology" |
Catalog number | O.80458.001 |
Other catalog numbers | ["ecatalogue.irn:2474313","urn:catalog:AM:Ornithology:O.80458.001"] |
Occurrence ID | urn:lsid:ozcam.taxonomy.org.au:AM:Ornithology:O.80458.001 |
Record type |
Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen" |
License | CC-BY 3.0 (Au) |
Presence/Absence | PRESENT |
Sampling protocol | [Pathology] |
Event ID | urn:australianmuseum.net.au:Events:1259537 |
Occurrence date | 1998-09-25 |
Sampling protocol | Pathology |
End day of year | 268 |
Date precision | DAY |
Start day of year | 268 |
Scientific name |
Zanda funerea
Supplied scientific name "Calyptorhynchus funereus (Shaw, 1794)" |
Identified to rank | species |
Common name |
Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo
Supplied common name "Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo" |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Aves |
Order | Psittaciformes |
Family | Cacatuidae |
Genus |
Supplied as "Calyptorhynchus" |
Species | Zanda funerea |
Name match metric | exactMatch |
Accepted name | Calyptorhynchus funereus (Shaw, 1794) |
Scientific name authorship | (Shaw, 1794) |
Name parse type | SCIENTIFIC |
Name according to | (Shaw, 1794) |
Verbatim locality | Ex Taronga Zoo Wildlife Hospital |
Location remarks | ecatalogue.LocCollectionEventLocal: "Ex Taronga Zoo Wildlife Hospital 25/09/1998 - 25/09/1998, Taronga Zoo Wildlife Hospital(Collector and donor), Pathology, Accession"; |
Terrestrial | false |
Marine | false |
Additional properties
dcterms:modified | 2020/7/1 |
dcterms:type | PhysicalObject |
dcterms modified | 2020/7/1 |
dcterms type | PhysicalObject |
Data quality tests
Test name | Result |
Coordinate uncertainty meters invalid | Warning |
Location not supplied | Warning |
Sensitivity report invalid | Warning |
Sensitivity report not loadable | Warning |
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