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OZCAM (Online Zoo-log-i-cal Col-lec-tions of Aus-tralian Muse-ums) pro-vides access to an online data-base of records aggre-gated from fau-nal col-lec-tions data-bases in Aus-tralian museums.

Occurrence record: Eggs:E01232

Preserved specimen of Sternula albifrons (Pallas, 1764) | Little Tern recorded on 1949-06-03


Data partner OZCAM (Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums) Provider
Data resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
Institution code Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Supplied institution code "ANWC"
Collection Australian National Wildlife Collection
Supplied collection code "Eggs"
Catalog number E01232
Occurrence ID
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen"
Preparations Egg(s)
Sex Not applicable
Associated Occurrence Status Associated record
Associated occurrences The occurrence is associated with a representative record.
For more information see Inferred associated occurrence details
License CC-BY
Rights holder CSIRO
Establishment means wild location
Type PhysicalObject
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Supplied as present
Bibliographic citation E01232
Associated records ASSOCIATED
Dataset / Survey name [Burns, G.]
Dataset []


Dataset / Survey name Burns, G.  
Occurrence date 1949-06-03
Verbatim event date 03JUN1949
End day of year 154
Date precision DAY
Start day of year 154


Scientific name Sternula albifrons
Identified to rank species
Common name Little Tern
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Family Laridae
Genus Sternula
Species Sternula albifrons
Name match metric exactMatch
Scientific name authorship (Pallas, 1764)
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC


Country Japan
State or Territory not recorded
Latitude 34.6333
Supplied as: "34.6333"
Longitude 135.4333
Supplied as: "135.4333"
Datum EPSG:4326
Verbatim locality SUMINOE, OSAKA, JAPAN
Water body not recorded
Island Honshu
Island group Japan
Location remarks latitude and longitude approximate
Coordinate precision 0.01667
County not applicable
Terrestrial true
Continent Asia
Marine false
Country Code JP
Verbatim SRS not recorded; assume AGD66 for Australia

Additional properties

verbatim uncertainty latitude and longitude approximate

User flagged issues 

    Data quality tests

    Test name Result
    Coordinate uncertainty meters invalid Warning
    Geodetic datum assumed WGS84 Warning
    Modified date invalid Warning
    Coordinates dont match supplied state Warning
    Show/Hide 89 passed properties
    Show/Hide 7 missing properties
    Show/Hide 23 tests that have not been run

    Inferred associated occurrence details

    This record is associated with the representative record. This mean another record has been detected to be similar to this record, and that the other record (the representative record) has the most detailed information for the occurrence. More information about the duplication detection methods and terminology in use is available here:

    Representative Record
    Record UUID 02750b86-ca6b-4e14-bd53-a6c8daf58333
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Related records
    Record UUID a3d20190-0e37-41da-95f4-3629480aeca6
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID a111802e-f5ef-40fd-aa58-41b2a049ffa3
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID 501b7081-4585-4aa1-8148-fdcbede50c49
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID c36c7257-eff2-4ff3-828f-488cff50fba7
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID e513d92b-2767-49e4-90cc-63d8aa0a4e7f
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID 20f027f1-6c76-43f3-8600-12382aa04dd7
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID 606fbe09-539e-4951-b0be-d2e1e5b4ca04
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID 5d28bcb5-7d09-4d6e-ac1c-a4f2e95e2894
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333
    Record UUID ce131ca5-f839-47b3-bafc-874bbeb26389
    Data Resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
    Raw Scientific Name Sternula albifrons
    Coordinates 34.6333,135.4333