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OZCAM (Online Zoo-log-i-cal Col-lec-tions of Aus-tralian Muse-ums) pro-vides access to an online data-base of records aggre-gated from fau-nal col-lec-tions data-bases in Aus-tralian museums.

Occurrence record: ANIC:31-004489-960

Preserved specimen of Telicota paceka mesoptis Lower, 1911 | Narrow-brand Darter recorded on 1964-01


Data partner Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO
Data resource Australian National Insect Collection
Institution code Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Supplied institution code "CSIRO"
Collection Australian National Insect Collection
Supplied collection code "ANIC"
Catalog number 31-004489-960
Other catalog numbers ["urn:catalog:CSIRO:ANIC:31-004489-960"]
Occurrence ID
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen"
Collector Moulds,M.S.
Sex unknown
Individual count 1
Life stage adult
License CC-BY
Establishment means wild
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Supplied as present


Event ID
Occurrence date Year: 1964, Month: 1, Day:
Supplied as year:1964  month:1  day:0 
End day of year 0
Date precision MONTH
Event time 0
Start day of year 15


Higher classification Animalia; Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Glossata; Heteroneura; Ditrysia; Hesperioidea; Hesperiidae; Hesperiinae; Telicota; mesoptis
Scientific name Telicota paceka mesoptis
Supplied scientific name "Telicota mesoptis mesoptis Lower, 1911"
Identified to rank subspecies
Common name Narrow-brand Darter
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Lepidoptera
Family Hesperiidae
Genus Telicota
Species Telicota paceka
Name match metric higherMatch
Infraspecific epithet mesoptis
Accepted name Telicota mesoptis mesoptis Lower, 1911
Subspecies Telicota paceka mesoptis
Parent name usage Telicota mesoptis Lower, 1911
Scientific name authorship Lower, 1911
Supplied as Lower
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Nomenclatural code ICZN


Country Australia
State or Territory Queensland
Locality Iron Range
Supplied as "rainforest-eucalypt vegetation"
Latitude -12.71667
Supplied as: "-12.71667004"
Longitude 143.300003
Supplied as: "143.3000031"
Datum EPSG:4326
Supplied datum: "WGS84"
Min elevation 50
Max elevation 100
Coordinate precision Unknown
Coordinate uncertainty (in metres) 10000.0
Georeference sources gazetteer
Location according to Collector
Terrestrial true
Marine false
Country Code AU
Location ID

Additional properties

dcterms:modified 12/04/2019
dcterms:rights holder CSIRO
dcterms:type PhysicalObject
dcterms modified 12/04/2019
dcterms rights holder CSIRO
dcterms type PhysicalObject

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    Coordinate rounded Warning
    First of the year Warning
    Recorded date invalid Warning
    Taxon match higher rank Warning
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    Additional political boundaries information

    Area Management
    CAPAD 2016 Terrestrial Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land)
    CAPAD 2020 Terrestrial Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land)
    CAPAD 2022 - Terrestrial (Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database) Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range)
    IBRA (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) Version 7 (Regions) Cape York Peninsula
    IBRA (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) Version 7 (Subregions), contextual (polygon) Coen-Yambo Inlier
    NRM Regions 2010 Cape York
    NRM Regions 2017 Cape York
    Area management
    National Landcare Program Management Units 2018 Cape York
    IBRA 6 Regions Cape York Peninsula
    IBRA 7 Regions Cape York Peninsula
    IBRA 7 Subregions Coen-Yambo Inlier
    Drainage Divisions Level 1 North East Coast
    Drainage Divisions Level 2 LOCKHART RIVER
    States including coastal waters Queensland (including Coastal Waters)
    ASGS Australian States and Territories Queensland
    Australian States and Territories Queensland
    Indigenous Land Use Agreements Iron Range, Portland Roads and Islands ILUA
    Local Government Areas 2011 Cook (S)
    Local Government Areas 2012 deprecated Cook
    Local Government Areas PSMA 2018 COOK SHIRE
    PSMA ABS Census Indigenous Language Speakers by Area - I01B (2016) 220
    PSMA ABS Census Selected Person Characteristics by Indigenous Status by Area - I01A (2016) 629
    PSMA ABS Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (2016) REST OF QLD
    PSMA ABS SA2 Statistical Areas (2016) CAPE YORK
    PSMA ABS SA3 Statistical Areas (2016) FAR NORTH
    PSMA ABS SA4 Statistical Areas (2016) QUEENSLAND - OUTBACK
    PSMA Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (2018) LEICHHARDT
    PSMA Indigenous Areas (2016) LOCKHART RIVER
    PSMA Indigenous Locations (2016) LOCKHART RIVER
    PSMA Indigenous Regions (2016) CAPE YORK
    PSMA Remoteness Areas (2016) Very Remote Australia
    PSMA State Electoral Boundaries (2018) COOK
    PSMA States (2016) QUEENSLAND
    World Country Boundaries Australia
    Local Government Areas 2023 Cook
    Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2013) v2.0 Indigenous managed, Native forest
    Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 Rainforest
    Forests of Australia 2018B Rainforest
    NVIS 4.1 Major Vegetation Groups Rainforests and Vine Thickets
    NVIS 4.1 Major Vegetation Subgroups Dry rainforest or vine thickets
    Tenure of Australia's forests (2013) v2.0 Nature Conservation Reserve
    Vegetation types - native Rainforests and vine thickets
    Vegetation types - present Rainforest and vine thickets

    Environmental sampling for this location

    Occurrence Density 39476.0 frequency
    Species Richness 2511.0 frequency
    Precipitation - annual (Bio12) 1978.0 mm
    Precipitation - coldest quarter (Bio19) 107.0 mm
    Precipitation - driest period (Bio14) 2.0 mm
    Precipitation - driest quarter (Bio17) 65.0 mm
    Precipitation - seasonality (Bio15) 93.0 mm
    Precipitation - warmest quarter (Bio18) 800.0 mm
    Precipitation - wettest period (Bio13) 101.0 mm
    Precipitation - wettest quarter (Bio16) 1180.0 mm
    Radiation - annual mean (Bio20) 19.1 MJ/m2/day
    Radiation - seasonality (Bio23) 18.0
    Radiation - warmest quarter (Bio26) 21.7 MJ/m2/day
    Temperature - annual mean (Bio01) 26.0 degrees C
    Temperature - annual range (Bio07) 14.1 degrees C
    Temperature - coldest period min (Bio06) 18.7 degrees C
    Temperature - coldest quarter mean (Bio11) 23.6 degrees C
    Temperature - diurnal range mean (Bio02) 8.5 degrees C
    Temperature - driest quarter mean (Bio09) 24.6 degrees C
    Temperature - isothermality (Bio03) 0.6 %
    Temperature - seasonality (Bio04) 0.56
    Temperature - warmest period max (Bio05) 32.8 degrees C
    Temperature - warmest quarter (Bio10) 27.9 degrees C
    Temperature - wettest quarter mean (Bio08) 27.4 degrees C
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - annual 1995.0 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - coldest quarter 91.0 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - driest month 16.0 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - driest quarter 66.0 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - seasonality 96.26126 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - warmest quarter 702.0 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - wettest month 437.0 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - wettest quarter 1200.0 mm
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - annual mean 25.6125 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - annual range 13.0 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - coldest month min 18.9 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - coldest quarter mean 23.166666 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - diurnal range mean 7.791667 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - driest quarter mean 23.45 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - isothermality 59.935898 %
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - seasonality 173.84848
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - warmest month max 31.9 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - warmest quarter mean 27.383333 °C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - wettest quarter mean 27.133333 °C
    WorldClim: Temperature - isothermality 62.0 %
    Moisture Index - annual mean (Bio28) 0.63
    Moisture Index - highest quarter mean (Bio32) 1.0
    Elevation 41.0 m