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OZCAM (Online Zoo-log-i-cal Col-lec-tions of Aus-tralian Muse-ums) pro-vides access to an online data-base of records aggre-gated from fau-nal col-lec-tions data-bases in Aus-tralian museums.

Occurrence record: Eggs:E20707

Preserved specimen of Sternula albifrons (Pallas, 1764) | Little Tern recorded on 1986-12-01


Data partner OZCAM (Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums) Provider
Data resource Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
Institution code Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Supplied institution code "ANWC"
Collection Australian National Wildlife Collection
Supplied collection code "Eggs"
Catalog number E20707
Occurrence ID
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen"
Preparations Egg(s)
Record number 222A 1&4
Identification qualifier May be some uncertainty as to identification
Sex Not applicable
License CC-BY
Rights holder CSIRO
Establishment means wild location
Type PhysicalObject
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Supplied as present
Bibliographic citation E20707
Dataset / Survey name [Ey, A.E.]
Dataset []


Dataset / Survey name Ey, A.E.  
Occurrence date 1986-12-01
Verbatim event date 00.12.1986
End day of year 335
Date precision DAY
Start day of year 335


Scientific name Sternula albifrons
Identified to rank species
Common name Little Tern
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Family Laridae
Genus Sternula
Species Sternula albifrons
Name match metric exactMatch
Scientific name authorship (Pallas, 1764)
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC


Country Australia
State or Territory Queensland
Locality sandspit at mouth of Elliot River, ca.7km north of Guthalungra
Latitude -19.8767
Supplied as: "-19.8767"
Longitude 147.8908
Supplied as: "147.8908"
Datum EPSG:4326
Verbatim locality sandspit at mouth of Elliot River, ca.7km north of Guthalungra
Water body not applicable
Island not applicable
Island group not applicable
Location remarks confident in available location data
Coordinate precision 0.000278
County not applicable
Terrestrial true
Continent Oceania
Marine false
Country Code AU
Verbatim SRS WGS84

Additional properties

verbatim uncertainty confident in available location data

User flagged issues 

    Data quality tests

    Test name Result
    Coordinate uncertainty meters invalid Warning
    First of the month Warning
    Geodetic datum assumed WGS84 Warning
    Modified date invalid Warning
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    Additional political boundaries information

    Area Management
    Australian Coral Ecoregions Central & North GBR
    CAPAD 2016 Marine Great Barrier Reef
    CAPAD 2018 Marine Great Barrier Reef
    CAPAD 2020 Marine Great Barrier Reef
    Directory of Important Wetlands Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
    IMCRA v4.0 Meso-Scale Bioregions (Integrated Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia) Lucinda-Mackay Coast
    NRM Regions 2010 Burdekin
    NRM Regions 2017 Burdekin
    Area management
    National Landcare Program Management Units 2018 Burdekin
    IMCRA 4 Regions Northeast Shelf Province
    IMCRA Meso-scale Bioregions Lucinda-Mackay Coast
    States including coastal waters Queensland (including Coastal Waters)
    Indigenous Land Use Agreements Juru People and Ergon Energy ILUA
    Local Government Areas PSMA 2018 WHITSUNDAY REGIONAL
    PSMA State Electoral Boundaries (2018) BURDEKIN
    Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2013) v2.0 Non-Indigenous, Native forest
    Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 Mangrove
    Tenure of Australia's forests (2013) v2.0 Other Crown Land
    Vegetation types - native Sea and estuaries
    Vegetation types - present Inland aquatic - freshwater, salt lakes, lagoons

    Environmental sampling for this location

    Occurrence Density 1139.0 frequency
    Species Richness 234.0 frequency
    Precipitation - annual (Bio12) 819.0 mm
    Precipitation - coldest quarter (Bio19) 53.0 mm
    Precipitation - driest period (Bio14) 1.0 mm
    Precipitation - driest quarter (Bio17) 42.25 mm
    Precipitation - seasonality (Bio15) 91.0 mm
    Precipitation - warmest quarter (Bio18) 475.0 mm
    Precipitation - wettest period (Bio13) 52.0 mm
    Precipitation - wettest quarter (Bio16) 484.25 mm
    Radiation - annual mean (Bio20) 19.8 MJ/m2/day
    Radiation - seasonality (Bio23) 19.0
    Radiation - warmest quarter (Bio26) 22.2 MJ/m2/day
    Temperature - annual mean (Bio01) 24.3 degrees C
    Temperature - annual range (Bio07) 19.175001 degrees C
    Temperature - coldest period min (Bio06) 13.1 degrees C
    Temperature - coldest quarter mean (Bio11) 19.7 degrees C
    Temperature - diurnal range mean (Bio02) 9.8 degrees C
    Temperature - driest quarter mean (Bio09) 21.0 degrees C
    Temperature - isothermality (Bio03) 0.51 %
    Temperature - seasonality (Bio04) 1.1
    Temperature - warmest period max (Bio05) 32.3 degrees C
    Temperature - warmest quarter (Bio10) 27.9 degrees C
    Temperature - wettest quarter mean (Bio08) 27.8 degrees C
    Moisture Index - annual mean (Bio28) 0.43
    Moisture Index - highest quarter mean (Bio32) 0.8675